7 Best Workplace Safety Blogs

Number 1: Safety Spot
The Safety Spot writes blog posts about injury, management, fall protection, human resources and much more content surrounding workplace safety.
Check out their article on “Ways to Boost Mental Health in the Workplace.”
Businesses often assume that their employee’s mental health isn’t something they should stick their noses into. When workers have poor mental health, it leads to poor work and productivity, leading to unsafe work procedures.
Let’s face it – work is stressful. Whether it’s taking orders at a fast-food drive-through or if you’re a parts driver for a mechanic shop. Here are a few ways employers can help boost mental health in the workplace.
Read more at https://www.safetyspot.ca/Blog.asp?id=33&title=Ways-to-Boost-Mental-Health-in-the-Workplace
Number 2: Workforce Compliance Safety LTD.
The Workforce Compliance Safety blog is an excellent resource for Canadians. It discusses specific occupational hazardous safety legislation in different provinces and writes about other education options, how to make a safety culture in your company, and much more.
Check out their article, “Top Five Construction Hazards & Safety Solutions.”
Health & Safety is a crucial part of operating a successful business. It’s important to remember that all companies risk accidents and injuries occurring in the workplace.
However, effective health and safety policies are crucial in high-risk workplaces like factories and building sites. Workers in the construction industry are often exposed to many types of hazards such as falls from height, being struck by factory vehicles, and suffering injuries due to operating large machinery.
Read more at https://workforcecompliancesafety.ca/construction-hazards/
Number 3: Work Safe for Life
Work Safe for Life is a Nova Scotian website with great blog posts about Safety Plans, Injury Prevention, Industry Safety, and much more! They have lots of checklists, resources and further reading as well.
Check out their article, “Slips, Trips and Falls.”
You can take many simple steps to help protect you, your employees, and customers from a slip, trip or fall. We’ve compiled valuable tools to help start or continue your journey toward a workplace free of slips, trips and falls.
Read more at https://www.worksafeforlife.ca/Home/Injury-Prevention/Protecting-yourself/Slips-Trips-Falls
Number 4: Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Law
The Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Law website is an informative blog following updates for OHS and more legislation affecting workers in Ontario. This is a good blog for both employees and employers to be up to date on new requirements for safety and advice.
Check out their article, “Alberta bans mandatory high heels in the workplace.”
Effective January 1, 2019, employers in Alberta can no longer require workers to wear footwear that may pose a health or safety risk to workers. This change was made by an amendment to Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Code.
Read more at https://www.occupationalhealthandsafetylaw.com/alberta-bans-mandatory-high-heels-in-the-workplace/
Number 5: OSG
OSG’s safety blog has some great listicles that give relevant tips and ways to support employees in being safe at work. This includes safety during covid and much more.
Check out this article called “8 Ways to Keep Employees Safe During Ontario’s Reopening “.
At the start of this year, Ontario moved into Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen with modifications to slow the spread of the Omicron variant. This COVID-19 variant continues to create health and safety challenges for organizations as the province moves into the next phase of reopening. Below are some strategies to help keep everyone in your workplace safe as the area continues lifting restrictions throughout the coming months.
Read more at https://osg.ca/8-ways-to-keep-employees-safe-during-ontarios-reopening/
Number 6: E-safety First
E-safety first has a wide range of informative safety articles. This includes how to get forklift licenses, AODA compliance, and conflict resolution.
Check out their blog post called “Conflict Resolution Strategies at the Workplace. “
Dynamic collaboration is encouraged daily in the workplace. Therefore some degree of conflict is inevitable. No matter what the cause is, the dispute can lead to big problems if it’s not managed effectively. Conflict can stimulate innovation and ultimately bring people closer together than separate them.
Read more at https://esafetyfirst.com/blog/conflict-resolution-strategies-at-the-workplace/
Number 7: Public Services Health and Safety association
The PSHSA follows the latest OHS news, research and trends across Ontario and beyond. They have everything from Abestos awareness, safety for small businesses, PTSD in the workplace and much more.
Check out their post called “Say What? Investigating the Long-Term Impacts of Noise”
Sound is a natural part of our surroundings, but the difference between sound and noise is in the eye of the beholder, or rather, in the ears of the listener. For instance, heavy metal music can be a harmonious medley to one person and a bothersome cacophony to another person. While we may have different tastes in music or opinions of what sounds are enjoyable or unpleasant, noise is defined as unwanted sound and can be hazardous to a person’s health when exposed to levels that are too loud for too long and often enough.
Read more at https://www.pshsa.ca/blog/say-what-investigating-the-long-term-impacts-of-noise